Monday, 9 October 2017

The End of Unit 1

This week, we are wrapping up looking at how nationalism begins and what brings particular groups together. Which means, you'll be having a test soon!!! 🙌 But, before that test, you will have some time to review. Your test will be MONDAY, OCTOBER 16 and will be completely multiple choice.

That means that we will be finishing up our last part of Canadian Unification and start on our next unit. The next unit we will cover will be about something call national interests and how those affect our nations decisions when dealing with other countries. We will look at some current issues, such as the re-negotiations of NAFTA, as well as historical examples, such as World War 2 and how national interests can lead to things like genocides (which will lead to your next major project).

What's happening this week?

  • Writing Assignment for marks to be completed in class
  • Go directly to the computer lab
  • Work on group projects as presentations will be TOMORROW

  • Review game for your test next week. Don't worry, it's not too lame 😉
  • Rants by Jesse and  Kaylin
  • Group presentations
  • Complete group work peer assessments
  • Canadian Unification worksheets and videos
  • Review notes
  • Start with National Interests in the News