The Pink Triangle

Up until the middle of the 1930’s, Germany was considered to be one of the most sexually liberal and accepting countries in the world. When the Nazis took power in Europe, gay men were harassed and labeled as “inferior”.
The Nazi Party did not need to create new laws to prohibit homosexual behaviour. Paragraph 175 was a law against homosexuality that prohibited sex between men. Since the law was already in existence, all the Nazis had to do was enforce it. Paragraph 175 dated back to 1871 when the King of Prussia united various kingdoms into one German state. A new constitution was established. Paragraph 175 stated: “a man who commits indecency with another man, or allows himself to be misused indecently, will be punished with prison.”
Pink became the color of persecution for gay men in Nazi Germany. Those who identified as homosexuals had a pink triangle sewn onto the left breast of their prison uniforms, just as the yellow Star of David was sewn onto those of the Jews. Though drawn from the terrifying period of gay history, the pink triangle today can be recognized as a symbol of remembrance and celebration.

In the article provided about the Nazi views on homosexuality, highlight or underline all the of discriminatory claims that are made.  Make an inference as to how the Nazi party justified this position.
On the next page, read the 10 statements. Discuss as a group and determine if they are true or false statements (without looking up any information on the internet - this is not something that will be marked). 

Discuss:  Homosexuality, Prejudice and Discrimination

You will need a single die. Each group member will roll the die and whatever number appears, that is his or her assigned topic listed below to discuss. You will offer your opinion on one of the topics, by sharing your reactions, making connections, asking questions. Once completed, another person rolls the die and discusses the corresponding topic. Note: it is ok if two players discuss the same topic. If someone rolls a six they can choose a topic of choice.
  1. There is nothing wrong with men who choose to wear pink clothing.
  2. Having a GSA (Gay Straight Alliance) in the school is helpful.
  3. Every country should legalize gay marriage.
  4. I know a story about a homophobic incident.
  5. I have a strong reaction when I hear someone using the word ‘faggot’.
  6. Choose a topic.

Lastly, read the article by Craig Cowan. Highlight or underline any lines/phrases that show that homophobia is still around or that it is starting to be more accepted.

What is your reaction to the events in his article? Which side of the street would you be on?