The Komagata Maru was a Japanese steamship that sailed from Punjab, India to Vancouver, British Columbia in 1914, via China and Japan. Upon arrival to Canada, entry was denied for all the ship's Indian passengers who were hoping to immigrate. A law stated that those hoping to immigrate, could only do so by a "continuous journey" and through tickets purchased before leaving their country of nationality. Because of these exclusion laws designed to keep out immigrants of only Asian origin, the ship was forced to return to India. Upon arrival in India, a riot broke out, killing about 20 passengers who were thought to be lawbreakers and political agitators.
Using the background information provided to you, interpret the two photographs as a group. Identify the background information and inferences you can make about the photos. Identify the perspectives of those who are in the photographs. Your inferences should reflect what the photographs and incidents have to do with stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination.
Does this qualify as ultranationalism??
Next, examine the postage stamp. What does the stamp tell you about prejudice, discrimination and ultranationalism within Canada?
Record all of your ideas directly on the sheets of paper.