Sunday 31 May 2015

The Dangers of Internationalism

For the past couple weeks, we have looked at why we need to pursue internationalism, and how it helps solve national and global issues. However, by participating in the international community, at some point on some issues the needs for your country will come second to the world. In essence, by being an active member of the international world means you give up a little bit of your sovereignty and put the needs of everybody else before your own national interests. While most countries understand that there is a balance to pursuing national and international interests, there are those who feel like we should be moving more towards a one-world government. Essentially, the idea of having an independent nation state would cease to exist - we wouldn't have independent countries or borders anymore; we would all live as one.

So what's up this week?

  • One world government - What it is, how would it function, is it reasonable
  • Article and debate
  • Work on infographs for approximately 20 minutes of class
  • What would a borderless world look like:
    • Case Study: North American Union
  • Discuss: Benefits and drawbacks to the formation of North American Union
  • Practice interpreting sources
  • Work on infographs, time permitting
  • Notes: Issues with internationalism
  • Work on infographs
  • Rants by Robyn, Shelby, Keaton and Vanessa 
  • Review for Exam
  • Ultranationalism and Internationalism Unit Exam :)