Sunday, 26 April 2015

Is There Ultranationalism in Canada?

When a country makes the move from nationalism to ultranationalism, one of the biggest differences is the way in which national interests are pursued.  In the last unit, you looked at why national interests are pursued and how they can improve the quality of life of those people who live within the nation.  However, when the pursuit of those interests is completed with complete disregard for others who are not part of your nation, that is when the shift from nationalism to ultranationalism occurs.  Yet, there are many different characteristics such as:

  • Xenophobia 
  • Stereotypes
  • Discrimination
  • Hate
  • Racism

When a nation slips into ultranationalism, that is where it is dangerous for those around us.  Now, many of you may think that because you have been researching genocides that that is the only instance where ultranationalism has occurred, and that these types of atrocities only occur when there is a fanatical leader of a nation who dreams of ridding the world of a presumed enemy.  But what I want you to consider is if Canada can be considered to have these same traits, that we affiliate with dictatorships and extreme leaders.  Watch the video below.

Can the actions of fans at a hockey game be deemed ultranationalist if it goes to the extreme that somebody is physically hurt? What if it is just emotionally undermined? If we look at some of the things in Canadian history, such as Residential Schools, where one of the main goals was to assimilate First Nations students to be "Canadian" - could that be seen as ultranationalism? Or was it just a national interest to create a collective identity in Canada?  

This week, we are starting our introduction into this unit, determining what ultranationalism is and how it develops in a country.  Please remember - your documentary projects are due MAY 14!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be working on them whenever you get the chance!

This Week in Class...

  • Vocabulary: Ultranationalism, Stereotypes

  • What do you need to change from nationalism to ultranationalism? 
  • Finish watching Schindler's List
  • The impact of stereotypes
    • TED talk on what stereotypes do for us
  • What do you know about Nazi Germany and what do you want to know
  • Rise of the Nazi's in Germany
  • Compare to Rise of Hirohito in Japan
  • Continue with rise of ultranationalism in Germany and Japan
  • Second half of class: Work on your projects
  • Finish going through case studies
  • Practice source interpretation - text and cartoon
  • Second half of class: work on projects

Sunday, 19 April 2015


This week, you will begin unit three, ultranationalism and supranationalism. This week we will focus on ultranationalism. Ultranationalism can be described as extreme loyalty or devotion to your country and its national interest, regardless of the effects on other nations. An example we will focus on this week is the Holocaust. To do this, we will watch Schindler's List, an Academy Award - winning movie based on true events during World War II. It will help you realize the extreme tragedies that occurred at this time. It is important to remember that you NEED to bring in your permission letter to me for Monday in order to watch the movie!! A reminder that you will be writing your written response on Tuesday, so make sure that you are prepared! Also, remember that Wednesday-Friday you will time to work on your video, so make sure that you bring your laptop if you would like to use it, as well as your research to class.

-Partner Test for unit 2
-Begin Schindler's List

-written response good copy in class
-AM, you will be in the computer lab
-PM, you will be in the library

-time to work on genocide video
-continue to watch Schindler's List

-start off with rants: AM- Cole; PM-Krista 
-time to work on genocide video
-continue to watch Schindler's List

-time to work on genocide video
-finish watching Schindler's List

Sunday, 12 April 2015

Post-World War I and the Interwar Period

This week, we will wrap up self-determination by looking at a few contemporary examples of Canada and ISIS and the Scottish referendum. We will finish Unit 2 with Post-World War I and the Interwar Period. We will see how a country's national interest can shape their foreign policy, and therefore affect the global community. We will discuss the Treaty of Versailles, The Great Depression, The League of Nations, and the rise of fascism. This will take us to the end of this unit, meaning that our Unit Exam will be THIS FRIDAY (April 17)!!!!! A reminder that your Instagram accounts are due TONIGHT @ midnight! And that Thursday will be a work day. So if you are feeling overwhelmed about the amount of work you have, be sure to bring it on Thursday so you can work on it, as well as any questions that you have about this unit! Also a heads up, next week we will be moving into unit 3, ultranationalism and supranationalism. We will first be looking into ultranationalism in World War II, more specifically, the Holocaust. In light of this, we will be watching Schindler's List. For those of you who have not seen the movie before, it is rated R, with scenes involving nudity, swearing, graphic content, and abuse. I will be sending out a note this week, letting your parents know that we will be watching this film. If either one of your parents, or you, do not feel comfortable with you watching this film, please let me know so I can arrange an alternative activity for you. Also, if you choose to watch the movie, but feel uncomfortable during it, please know that you are welcome to leave the classroom at any time and I once again can arrange an alternative activity.
A long, but detailed and well-explained, summary of the Interwar Period!

Monday, April 13, 2015
-wrap up French and Aboriginal self-determination in Canada by watching some summary videos
-discuss current events involving self-determination and national interest- Scottish Referendum and Canada and ISIS
-prior knowledge of events and what the national interest is of each group

Tuesday, April 14, 2015
-Look at the Treaty of Versailles and The League of Nations
-The School Code of Conduct and your rights
-Comparing the School Code of Conduct and the Treaty of Versailles
-Breaking down the Treaty of Versailles

Wednesday, April 15, 2015
-Interpreting political cartoons
-The Great Depression and the Interwar Period
-Timeline of the Interwar Period- what was most influential?

A video to help you understand the Great Depression and why it happened!

Thursday, April 16, 2015
-NO RANTS THIS WEEK (because of your test!)
-Question Period- Please bring any questions that you have about this unit or anything that you are confused about!
-Bring work that you do not have completed for this unit!

Friday, April 17, 2015
-Unit 2 Exam 

Sunday, 5 April 2015


I hope you all had a wonderful Easter and Spring Break! This week, we will briefly review what we covered before Spring Break.Then, we will look at a few notable cases of self-determination that has occurred in recent history. We will then look at a few controversial cases and discuss whether or not they deserved the right to self-determine. One case in particular that we will look at is Kosovo. Finally, we will talk about self-determination in Canada, focusing mainly on the French and FNMI. A reminder that your Genocide Leader Instagram Accounts are due SUNDAY, APRIL 12!!! Also note, that we will be finishing this unit relatively soon, with a unit exam most likely next week. It would be a good idea to begin reviewing what we have covered, or coming to talk to me/ emailing me about anything that you are unsure about.

The video above is the EFA's stance on self-determination. Although their opinion may not be relevant to our class, they explain what self-determination is quite well.


Easter Monday- No School!

-go through homework assignment on Iraq 
-positive and negative aspects of self-determination
NOTE: Please bring your textbook to class!!!
-create a criteria for what a country needs in order to be granted self-determination
-go through your written assignment with Ms. Stuart

Early Dismissal
-review the criteria we made yesterday
-self-determination debate-‘Should Nations have a Right to Self-Determination?
-Do four mini debates on the following countries- Kosovo, Flanders, Quebec, and Tamil
NOTE: It is in your best interest to scan the article before coming to class today!
NOTE: Please bring hi-liters to class!!

-start class off with rants --- AM class- Allison, Crystal; PM class- MacKayla
-watch video on self determination
-look at Kosovo by watching a video, reading articles and answering some questions on your opinion of the controversial situation
-Ms. Stuart will explain your genocide video project

-discuss self-determination in Canada by looking at Aboriginal and French cases 
-look at the successes and failures of the two groups
-research two specific cases: Idle No More and the 1995 Referendums
NOTE: Please bring your textbooks to class today!